How to increase the power?

A disorder of erectile function – disease in which a man is difficult to admit to himself. That is why, many prefer to find information on how to increase the power of the home and guide from the recommendations. It is important to understand that when it is a sign of sexual weakness should go to the doctor – may be the cause of the steel as somatic illness, requiring emergency treatment.


What it takes to be a good power?

The power of the sum of 2 factors: the availability of the libido and the ability to achieve an erection. The first average of the sexual impulse, the desire for intimacy, interest in the intimate life. In his absence, the physiological on the occasion of the erection doesn't matter, because the man loses an emotional need in sex.

The erectile function of the genitals means a hardening of the penis in a situation that is conducive to the intimate relationship.

Normal level of the libido are:

  • A high level of testosterone. For its maintenance, providing the body with sufficient zinc, to actively engage in the sport, sleep;
  • Stable psychological state. Depends on its ability to resist factors of stress, minimize conflict pleasant, relaxing holiday.

Make sure that the ability to have an erection is achieved by:

  • The health of blood vessels. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bad fats and controlling the level of cholesterol, to avoid sclerosing the arteries and the veins;
  • The absence of infections. Full exploitation of the prostate and other organs of the urinary system, ensures the hardness of the penis in an intimate setting.

Why the decline of men "able to"?

Medicine secretes many prerequisites for the development of erectile dysfunction. A part of them is associated with organic changes in the body, the other half is in the locks. A lasting impact on the man, even one of these factors can have a negative impact on the solvabilit sexual.

Sedentary lifestyle

Most often the impotence is due to a lesion of the vessels in diabetes, also of the pathology include:

  • The accumulation the cholesterol of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls;
  • Chronically increased pressure;
  • The disease of the heart muscle;
  • Operations on the pelvic organs;
  • Injuries of the peritoneum and of the genital organs;
  • A great number of cigarettes smoked, and alcohol dependence.
  • The changes caused by aging;
  • The genetic tendency;
  • The lack of sleep;
  • Sedentary way of life.

The second complex of causes – androgen deficit, or a lack in the body of testosterone, often occurring after the age of 45. The drop in synthetic hormones affect:

  • Age;
  • Increased production of prolactin;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

Also, among the circles of powerlessness, we can mention:

  • Infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the prostate and other organs of the urinary system;
  • The presence of an excess of mass of the body;
  • The prolonged intake of medication and supplements for the sport, are particularly dangerous for anabolic steroids, the pills blood pressure, tranquilizers;
  • The pathological changes of the nerve fibers;
  • Chemotherapy and exposure to radiation;
  • Living in a contaminated area in the environment;
  • Professional activities in relation to detrimental to the production.

Psychological issues and personal also sometimes cause impotence. Impotence – the result:

  • Stay in constant stress;
  • Feelings of chronic fatigue;
  • Waiting for the next failure;
  • Feelings of chronic fatigue
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Formed negative attitudes towards women;
  • Phobias and fears;
  • Excessive and prolonged excitation;
  • The injuries of a sexual nature;
  • "Boring" sex;
  • The habits of a partner;
  • Too frequent contact;
  • Lack of experience;
  • Fear of acquiring an infection or contributing to the pregnancy of his partner;
  • The ongoing conflict with the wife or girlfriend, family, colleagues;
  • The difficulties of life;
  • The lack of sleep after the birth of a little child.

How to increase the power of natural ways of a man?

First of all, in the light of the natural processes of recovery of sexual function applies the correction mode of life. To increase the power to the house, you need to carefully examine the daily diet. It is important that the body receives an adequate amount of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, which ensures a high testosterone level, a normal blood circulation and a strong immunity.

The wife must feed her husband the following products:

  • The nuts and the honey.
  • The meat food varieties;
  • The vegetables should be eaten raw, cooked, steamed or boiled);
  • Berries and fresh or dried fruit;
  • The different types of salt-water fish;
  • All varieties of shellfish;
  • Sour-milk production;
  • Dark chocolate – just eat 2-3 square;
  • The greens, is particularly important to persil
  • The spices, where the first place is the garlic and pepper, but prior to the date of the first should be replaced by something more aromatic.
Short jogging

The second method is a physical activity. Doctors recommend:

  • Exercise regularly in the gym;
  • Jogging;
  • Enroll in the pool;
  • Master the spiritual practices. Some asanas of yoga, a very negative impact on the level of the power.

Outside of these training sessions, you must perform all the days of complex of exercises for the strengthening of the solvabilit sexual. First of all, it is a method of Kegel. The method allows to develop the muscles power. Its primary possibility of training at any time and anywhere.

It should be to choose a number of exercises and run every day, gradually increasing the load. High, but not instant results show the following:

  • Deep squats;
  • The rotation of the envelope;
  • The tension in the muscles of the anus;
  • Alternating the rotation of the feet the rights of the supine position;
  • The swaying of the basin;
  • The hip rotation with a maximum amplitude;
  • The execution of the "bridge" from the position of lying on the ground";
  • The inclination of the front;
  • Not high elevation of the knees;
  • The preservation of a real or imaginary ball using the tension in the gluteal muscles;
  • Rapid contraction of the abdomen;
  • The formation of the ring through connections the hands and feet.

An additional method, which often resorted to the revitalization and standardization of processes in the body – the herbal medicine. Decoctions of herbs, are on the water, plants, recipes, alcohol tinctures to boost the power, the promotion of the health, strong immunity, for that matter – are drugs that you can drink without harm to the health.

For the preparation of remedies, it is advisable to apply:

  • Ginseng increases libido, improves endurance, increases the duration of an act of intimacy;
  • Palustris a – normalizes blood circulation and is involved in the treatment of urological diseases;
  • St. john's wort – active inclination, to stabilize the emotional state, relieves psychological unit;
  • Galangal – carries out the prevention of the inflammation of the prostate, improves mood, has a positive impact on the vessels;
  • The nettle – intensively increases the synthesis of testosterone and cure the disease urinary system;
  • Hawthorn – stabilizes the erectile function, a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, prolongs the sexual act;
  • The fenugreek a natural of the agent, and aligns psychological state, eliminates the androgen deficiency;
  • Pink rhodiola – increases the desire, improves the immune defences of the organism;
  • Thyme
  • Thyme – enhances the erection thanks to the uniqueness of the composition containing the organic acid and a complex of vitamins;
  • Ivan-tea – useful in chronic prostatitis, warns the tumour stimulates the production of sex hormones;
  • The persil is normalizes hormonal balance and is responsible for filling out the blood of the corpora cavernosa;
  • Lemongrass – removes the effects of stress and improves the conductivity of the nerve-centers;
  • Siberian ginseng – is the same on the effects with ginseng.

Other approaches

To increase the power of men, you can use a massage. Stands out effects on the sexual organs, the prostate and the massage of the body. The massage of the penis and testicles is actually a powerful inflow of blood, in consequence of which, there comes a hardening.

The specificity of the prostate massage is such that when the unintentional handling occurs excitement. In addition, these procedures are very useful for the prevention of the glandular inflammation of the authority.

Acupressure initiates the process of emotional and physiological arousal. In the view of chinese medicine, the procedure is also increase fertility. It is recommended to enable the bio-point in the area:

  • Stop;
  • Cuffs;
  • Sacrum;
  • The solar plexus.

Erotic Massage, not only contributes to the improvement of the power, but improves the relationship in the couple, adding in the relations of the new colors. Women can very well learn the basics of thai technology, including:

  • The use of incense, and a set of lighting;
  • The impact of the whole body, and not only with the hands;
  • The application of feathers, ice cubes, and other attributes.

If necessary, get an erection quickly, you can use natural ways for emergencies:

  • Walking barefoot on the ground, and better on the grass;
  • Taking sinapismes underfoot, which activates reflexes in the area.

The stabilization and strengthening of sexual function are possible with the help of valves. In the hot water, it is necessary to add the decoction of bay leaf or other herbs. In addition, it is helpful to make use of essential oils.

Well-known aphrodisiac properties ylang-ylang, sandalwood, amber, clary sage, rose, jasmine. The tree species should be pre-mixed with honey, cream, sea salt. The same esters it is recommended to pour into the fragrance lamp or spray to the specialized help of the conch.

The impact on the power of men

For men the sexual power has an impact of a complex of factors. Some increase of the male establishment, others on the contrary have a negative impact on erectile function. In order to maintain sexual stamina, you need to know exactly how to organize your own schedule.


Positive on the sexual activity of impact:

  • The activity of sports, support, periodical training, if professional activity is related to hours stay in a wheelchair;
  • A good diet, and each day it is necessary to eat meat or fish, vegetables, herbs, shellfish. It is extremely necessary products such as honey and nuts, persil;
  • Planned the visit to the clinic. Annual preventive examinations allow to identify the disease at an early stage, which can cure any disease.


All of a sudden a negative impact on the men the establishment of the following factors:

  • The violation of the background psychological. Long, the stress, the fatigue, the development of depression, anxieties, phobias leads to a decrease in the solvabilit sexual;
  • The low physical development. The flabby muscles, low activity causing poor circulation. Excessive of the layer of fat razbalansirovat ratio of male and female hormones;
  • The negative habits. Drugs, tobacco, ethanol to cause a disease of the vessels and have serious consequences on the general state of health;
  • The infectious diseases. The viruses and bacteria that clog the body of toxic substances, have hit organs, reduce the absorption of nutrients, that eventually weakens the erectile function.
The low physical development

How to maintain a powerful erection to old age?

The men who seek to maintain sexual vigor to an advanced age, doctors advise:

  • In a timely manner to treat acute disease and maintain remission of chronic diseases;
  • After 50 years of control the levels of glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • Consult a physician if you are experiencing difficulties of a psychological nature;
  • Maintain the rate of weight;
  • Avoid going back to bad habits, if any;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours per day;
  • The trust to discuss this with your doctor of all the difficulties to impotence;
  • Carefully design a menu of the day;
  • As the prevention animals periodic reception of the herbal products or vegetable products (dietary supplements);
  • Use the soul contrasting or sedentary, the thermal baths.

Important: after 60 years, the punctures, and produce from time to time, simply the consequence of the characteristics of the organism. In this case, it is recommended to discuss the situation with a partner and focus on finding a few other experiments in the framework of the intimate life.